FPS Technologies Education

The 5 Components of a Basic ESS System

Written by FPS Technologies | Nov 30, 2020 2:00:00 PM

ESS (or electronic safety and security) systems are the series of measures a facility or location has in place to avoid and reduce potential harm when an emergency arises. Every building has different support needs depending on the location, use of the facility, and potential hazards in the environment. Therefore, it can be challenging to determine what specific elements you need in your building’s ESS. 

While some facilities need specialized equipment, there are a few components that nearly every business could benefit from using. Read on to learn the five components you should have in your ESS system. 

Intrusion Detection

Maintaining a secure and safe facility requires some sort of intrusion detection system. Depending on the specifics of your facility, this could mean a variety of different elements. Motion detectors, glass break detectors, door contacts, and door status sensors are examples of intrusion detection components. 

None of these will stop an unauthorized person from entering your building, but they will send an alert to you and emergency personnel. They also notify the personnel at your monitoring station precisely which door contact or motion sensor the intruder triggered, which helps emergency responders track the person down efficiently and safely. 

To determine which elements of intrusion detection you need, consider which points of your building are most likely to be at risk. Any door to your building is at risk and would benefit from some sort of additional support. Consider adding additional layers of intrusion technology at any interior location that’s highly sensitive or contains high-value property.

Access Control

Another critical element in ESS is access control, which limits entry to your facility or a portion of your facility. The system can be set to an automated schedule, such as your store’s open hours. It can also be set to specific personnel. Anyone who does not have the right keycode, keycard, or fob will not have access to the building or an area of the building.

Access control also encompasses measures you take to limit access to specific digital information or resources in your business. Often, it’s as simple as granting, or not granting, a username and password to your employees.  

Security Cameras

What’s the first security measure that comes to your mind? Probably a security camera. Why? Because it’s an easy to use and highly effective way to protect your property. 

Modern networked cameras can even alert you to an emergency in real-time. For example, if your cameras include motion sensors, they’ll send an alert to your monitoring station when the sensor is triggered. Then, the personnel there can check your camera feed, identify the issue, and alert emergency personnel.

They can also provide context to the emergency and provide key information about what happened during the incident. Security cameras even act as a deterrent, as potential intruders are less likely to break into your facility if they notice a camera recording their actions.

Window and Yard Signs

If you want to deter potential intruders further, consider adding signage to the outside of your facility. Clear signs that inform people that you have a security system is a cheap and simple way to let people know that if they break into your facility, they’ll be caught.

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

The final component of your ESS system is one that many people overlook: smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. These devices serve a crucial role in maintaining the safety and well-being of the staff and patrons of your facility, as well as the building itself.

Get Started with Your Basic ESS System

These five components are a great starting point for any business. Before you move on to specialized security components, like temperature regulators or chemical sensors, make sure that you have the basics down. 

Not sure what your building really needs? Schedule a security audit with an FPS technician today. We’ll walk your building with you and talk about your business to help you figure out what you really need and where you really need it. Then, we’ll complete an efficient, high-quality installation to get your system up and running.