FPS Technologies Education

Maintaining Your Sprinkler System

Written by FPS Technologies | Nov 16, 2020 10:50:00 PM

Installing a sprinkler system is the first step in protecting your property, but maintaining it is just as important. The state of Oklahoma requires a yearly inspection of your fire system, and there are also things you can do between inspections to ensure that your facility is protected from fires. 

In this article, we'll review some of the regular maintenance that you can do yourself between inspections. 

(If you ever have any doubt about whether your fire system is working, don’t hesitate to reach out to FPS for a maintenance appointment. It’s better to be safe than sorry.)

What you can do between official inspections:

While they will need to be trained in NFPA25 standards and local codes, any designated employee can perform weekly and monthly checks to prevent sprinkler failures. In a weekly assessment, a trained individual can:

  1. Check for normal air and water pressure on dry, pre-action, and deluge systems.
  2. Make sure control valves are not leaking or locked, and that they are sealed and open.

In monthly checks, an employee will view wet-pipe systems gauges and confirm that they have the proper water pressure. It is also essential to check for any physical damage along the entire system and alarm valves. By performing these quick checks, you’ll be able to catch any noticeable defects and reduce the chance of a sprinkler failure. 



Suppose you or your designated employee notice that something is not functioning correctly. In that case, it’s vital that you contact a licensed fire system maintenance company, such as FPS, to get your system back in working order.

What happens during a yearly inspection?

A yearly inspection must be conducted by a licensed professional or company, such as FPS. In this inspection, the inspector will check:

  1. Sprinkler heads, including the pipes and the fittings
  2. Interiors of dry-pipe systems
  3. The overall function of the sprinkler system. This is accomplished by performing a main drain water flow test, which will determine if there has been a change in the condition of your sprinkler’s water supply.


The licensed professional will also conduct the tests performed in the weekly and monthly inspections, if applicable. They will ensure that backup sprinkler heads and the tools to change the heads are available if the need arises. Additionally, a professional should check your sprinkler’s internal piping at least every five years. (Unless it is a dry-pipe system, in which case it should be checked yearly.) 

Stay on track with your inspections and maintenance

It can be challenging to keep track of when and what was inspected of your sprinkler system, especially with everything else you need to manage as a business or property owner. That’s why working with a company like FPS is beneficial. Not only does FPS perform your yearly inspection, but we also send reminders to you, letting you know when it’s time to schedule your next inspection. These reminders will help give you the peace of mind that you have correctly inspected and functional equipment to combat a fire in the event of an emergency.  



How long has it been since your last inspection? Get in touch with FPS today to schedule your inspection.